viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2012

El siguiente planeamiento de clase al igual que el anterior busca que los estudiantes desarrollen la estrategia de aprendizaje sobre trabajo cooperativo. Cada miembro del grupo tiene una función y de esta manera todos participan activamente. La lectura en la cual está basada la actividad es un mito de la región. De esta manera, el estudiante está familiarizado con la lectura y hace que a la vez que se trabaja estrategias de aprendizaje, comprensión de lectura, también aprovechemos aquellos aspectos culturales que se deben tener encuenta al momento de aprender una segunda lengua. 

GRADE: Eighth
TIME: 3 hours

LANGUAGE OBJECTIVE: Read and understand a text.
STRATEGY OBJECTIVE: Use the strategy cooperating with peers and summarizing to improve in reading comprehension texts.
MATERIALS: Reading “Bochica and Huitaca, the origin of Good and Evil” (Origins. Myths and legends of Colombia Pages 19-21)


1. Ask students how they felt working with others, How each one of them performed their role in the before activity, how they summarize the reading.

“How did you feel working with other? What was your role in the group? How did you summarize?

2. Ask students about what they know about the origin of Good and Evil:

“What is a Myth? What myths do you know about the origin of God and Evil? Do you know who huitaca was? Do you know who Bochica was?

3. Tell students that learning strategies are useful every time they develop language learning activities, because they can improve their language skills in a better way.

4. Tell students that when they work with others it is an opportunity for learning faster and more efficiently, it is possible they have greater retention, and feel more positive about the learning experience. In a cooperative group, every student has a specific task, everyone must be involved in the learning or activity, and no one can stay without a specific task.

5. Tell students that one strategy for improving reading comprehension is to write summaries. Summaries function to reduce the amount of information to be remembered and to organize the information in a way that aids understanding and remembering.

5. Divide the students in groups of two students. Each student has an essential role. The Student 1 must read aloud the reading “Bochica and Huitaca, the origin of Good and Evil”, the student 2 must read the questions and write the answers in the sheet of paper.

6. Each group must answer the questions according to the reading and write a short summarize about it.

7. The student 1 of each group must socialize the answers to the other groups.

8. After the students have socialized the answers, the student 2 of each group must tell to the other groups about how they develop the reading comprehension activity.

“How did your group work? What did you learn from your team mate? Do you like to work with a peer? What did you improve next time? How did you do the summary? It was easy or difficult?


  1. Who was Bochica?
  2. Which was the most advanced civilization of Colombia?
  3. Who was Chimichagua?
  4. What happened with Huitaca and Bochica?
  5. What did Huitaca do?
  6. Why was she punished?
  7. What was her punishment?
summarize the reading (10lines) 

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